Our trainers

We will show you how to formulate your own cosmetics from scratch, and also good manufacturing practices.

We will instruct you on the steps to follow in order to manufacture and sell your own cosmetics.



Director and professor of the Institute of Dermocosmetics.

“I studied pharmaceutical science at the University of Valencia and La Laguna (Tenerife). All my professional life is dedicated to aromatherapy, natural cosmetics and natural therapies. Currently I am a professor of Aromatherapy in the Master of Natural Medicine at the University of Santiago de Compostela. I have also collaborated in the elaboration of the texts for the online master course on skin aging at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

I teach aromatherapy, cosmetology and perfumery to teachers of professional training institutes of aesthetics and hairdressing of the Government of Navarra and the Valencian Community. Since 1987 I have been director and trainer at the Mans School of Massage and Body Techniques in Castellón. In 1.989 I founded the Mediterranean School of Aromatherapy to teach the courses of Holistic Aromatherapy, Clinical Aromatherapy and Aromatherapy for Natural Medicine, Massage and Aesthetics.

Since 2.009 I have been co-director and instructor of Valencia Spa&Wellness Institute to train specialists in spa and balneotherapy protocols. I advise individuals and companies interested in manufacturing and distributing natural cosmetics. I collaborate in workshops and courses organized by the National Institute of Agricultural Research, Cosmobelleza, Farmacéuticos Mundi, Popular Universities, Workshop Schools and private centers of complementary medicine.

I have participated in several programs of TVE1 «La Botica de la Abuela» and of Canal 9 «Remeis al Rebost». I have also written several articles on aromatherapy and natural cosmetics in the magazines «Fitomédica», «Esencial» and «Vida Estética«.”


-Formulation Professor at the European Institute of Dermocosmetics.

-Degree in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Valencia.

-Master’s Degree in Environmental Health from the UIMP and Conselleria de Medio Ambiente

-Postgraduate degree in Nutrition from the Universidad Iberoamericana

-Technical director at Grupo Farmacéutico de Levante.

-XVII Course of Cosmetic Formulation given by Guinama.

-Course of Formulas in advanced dermatology taught by Fagron.

-Master Course in Applied Formulation taught by Acofar.

-Dedicated for more than 15 years to selling and advising on medicinal and cosmetic master formulation to both professionals and amateurs.

-Online formulation teacher in a course on apiculture cosmetics.

El mejor cosmético para la belleza es la felicidad.

Condesa de Blessington

Sólo podemos dominar la naturaleza si la obedecemos.


Francis Bacon

La naturaleza siempre lleva los colores del espíritu.


Ralph Waldo Emerson

Courses and workshops on natural cosmetics

Attendance Courses

de Cosmética Natural

You will perform the entire process from the plant to the cosmetic.

You’ll learn to think like a formulator.

You’ll make the cosmetics from scratch.

No ready-made bases.

You will carry out comparative studies between different ingredients and learn how to analyze the results to improve your formulas.

On-Line Courses

de Cosmética Natural

Learn at home and at your own pace!

We will provide you with excellent teaching material.

A teacher will be available to answer your questions.

You will learn to formulate and elaborate fine natural cosmetics.

The virtual classroom contains many notes and videos available to you.


de Cosmética Natural

If you want to start making natural cosmetics, a short workshop might be a good way to start.

These are one-day workshops in which, in addition to some cosmetics, you can take a lot of good ideas.

This is a fantastic way to spend a day with some friends making your own cosmetics.

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C/ Navarra nº50 Castellón de la Plana 12002 (España)


+34 964 24 18 25
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